Tuesday, January 24, 2012

On Being Non-Yogi

The other day the hubs and I went to the movies to see The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo. We enjoyed the flick very much and it kept us discussing the movie for a few days after seeing it. Without giving any details of the movie away, there is a particularly disturbing scene (well a few actually), but the one that I am referencing happens toward the endish of the movie... in a basement. During this disturbing scene, the song Sail Away by Enya (you can listen to it by clicking here). Enya is huge in the yoga playlist world, and the other day the song came on during my advanced yoga class during our sun salutations. Side note: I only mention that it was an advanced class not to be all "look at me I am an advanced yogi!" but in advanced classes the instructors don't always explain the next move; especially during sun salutations because everyone in the class knows how to flow through them with their own breath. SO when this Enya song came on during our salutations, everyone was pretty zen focusing on their movement and breath and the instructor wasn't talking.

I heard the Enya song come on during our sun salutations and although I was completely focused on my breath, I immediately snapped out of it and opened my eyes to look around the room in case any other Girl With the Dragon Tattoo seers got suddenly startled by Enya. My brain immediately went to that creepy basement scene... and believe me, that is NOT a place you want to be while you're trying to zen out in a yoga class.

I was so creeped out and couldn't focus that I leaned over to the person next to me (he is a friend and getting teacher certified with me). Although I know that talking during class is a serious yogi no no, I went against my better judgement.

Story #1:
During my downward dog I leaned over to my neighbor friend and said:


neighbor: (looked at me and appeared disturbed. He knew I knew talking during yoga is un cool)

me: Have you seen Girl With the Dragon Tattoo???

neighbor: No.

me: OK never mind.

I then turned to the girl next to me (who I didn't know).


other neighbor: (looked at me and appeared disturbed).

me: Have you seen Girl With the Dragon Tattoo???

other neighbor: No.

me: OK never mind.

Then throughout the entire class all I could think was how I interrupted two people's focus. I was so mad at myself and Enya. I tried to explain to them both at the end of class that the Enya song is during a creepy part of the movie. Neither seemed to care at all.

Note to self: Don't talk to people during yoga. It's awkward.

Story #2:
During my downward dog I leaned over to my neighbor friend and said:


neighbor: (looked at me and appeared disturbed. He knew I knew talking during yoga is un zen)

me: Have you seen Girl With the Dragon Tattoo???


OMG. I realized that I had just got yogi yelled at. My face turned red as if I got in trouble at in Kindergarten. I continued my sun salutations with sweaty armpits because I knew I had just made a serious yogi faux pas. Stupid Enya.

Highlight the text after the star to reveal which story is true * The true story is Story #1. Neither of my neighbors had seen the movie and since we were in the middle of our sun salutations I couldn't then explain why I had asked and I just looked like I was hitting on them both during a yoga class. I learned my lesson never to speak to a neighbor during class again because basically nothing good can come of it. Namaste.

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